Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Is Binaural Beats Meditation?

Binaural Beats Meditation

Check out the Best Binaural Beats Meditation Here...

First of all, what are binaural beats? There's some complex physics and neuroscience behind how these beats work, but I will give you the cliff notes version. Basically binaural beats work by a listener listening to beats with two different frequencies...

That's one frequency in the left ear, a different one in the right. The brain then synthesizes these frequencies into one coherent sound. generally the difference between the two frequencies is less than 30 HZ.

Why does this matter?

It matters because these frequency differences can modify a listeners brainwaves inducing relaxation, concentration, creativity or a variety of other states.

How's this related to binaural beats meditation?

Check out the Best Binaural Beats Meditation Here...

The binaural beats can then be used to help with your meditation practice. They can induce an "alert relaxation" that makes meditation so much easier. Instead of taking years to learn how to get into the correct state for meditation, a binaural beats meditation recording can get you into the right state instantly...

This way you can start feeling the amazing effects of meditation NOW, not years from now.

The Best Binaural Beats Meditation Music

Be sure to Check out the Best Binaural Beats Meditation Here...

They are offered by a company called Mind Oasis and are seriously the most professional, easiest to listen to binaural beats I've ever heard.

Stay tuned for more information about binaural beats...